Vertoro joins the IDEALFUEL project to develop new production methods for sustainable marine fuels

Sep 1, 2020

On 1 May 2020 the IDEALFUEL project was launched. An EU-funded research and innovation action, IDEAFUEL aims to develop new production methods for sustainable marine fuels to replace heavy fuel oils (HFOs) in shipping.

Sailing towards the goal of developing an efficient and low-cost chemical pathway to convert woody residual and waste materials such as sawdust and wood chips into a Biogenic Heavy Fuel Oil (Bio-HFO) with ultra-low sulphur levels that can be used as a drop-in fuel in the existing maritime fleet.

Ships are crucial for the transportation of goods around the world. However, the use of heavy fuel oils (HFOs) contributes to global warming due to the fossil origin of these fuels and although cleaner fuels are available, many companies opt for HFOs due to their low costs. However, HFOs are banned in the national waters of many countries. In addition, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is seeking to ban their use in Arctic waters.

Due to environmental concerns and national as well as international regulations associated with fossil-based HFOs, there is a considerable need for low-cost cleaner and renewable alternatives for the maritime industry.


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